Professional Development
Master Clinician Series
This series includes conferences for professionals and parents on a broad range of topics. Conferences feature presentations by nationally recognized experts in the fields of communication and learning disabilities in order to promote scientific inquiry, discussion, and clinical application of best practices among professionals. Attendees may receive continuing education credits (CEU’s) for maintenance of clinical certification and/or licensure. Recent conferences have included:
The Oral Language-Literacy Continuum (Dr. Judith Hochman, Dr. Gail B. Gurland)
Language Assessment and Intervention for Children and Adolescents (Dr. Elizabeth Wiig)
Developmental Stages and Strategies in Reading—From Phonemic Awareness to Text Comprehension (Virginia Clammer Grant)
A Way with Words—Teaching Vocabulary for Listening, Reading and Writing (Dr. Lydia Soifer)
Making Sense of the Language-Executive Function Overlap (Dr. Klara Marton, Dr. Janine Pollack, Dr. Joshua Srebnick)
Demystifying Executive Function—Treatment and Management (Dr. Jill K. Fahy)
Play and Language-- Development, Assessment and Intervention for the Preschool Child (Debby Meringola, Nancy Tarshis)
The Changing Face of Language Intervention—The Science of Integration and the Art of Inspiration (Dr. Sima Gerber)
Empowering Your Therapeutic Relationships—Self Awareness in the Clinical Process (Beryl T. Adler)
Social Skills Training and Behavioral Supports (Dr. Jed Baker)
Bilingual and Second Language Learners - Assessment and Intervention (Klara Marton, Ph.D. & Sylvia Walters Ph.D.)
The Roots of Literacy- Play and Language (Carol Westby, Ph.D.)
Memory from Birth Through the Aging Brain (Elizabeth A. Buffalo, Ph.D)
Developing Social and Academic Language: Optimizing Classroom Success (Carol Westby, Ph.D)
Practical Treatment Strategies for Preschool Children Who Stutter (J. Scott Yaruss, Ph.D)
Higher-Level Oral Language in Preschool and Early Grades (Anne van Kleeck, Ph.D)
Effective Treatment for Preschool Children Who Stutter (J. Scott Yaruss, Ph.D)
The Critical Thinking Triangle of the Story Grammar Maker (Maryellen Rooney Monreau, Med)
School-Age Stuttering: A Practical Approach (J. Scott Yaruss, Ph.D)